Fila Brasileiro imported from Brazil
Pinta lives in Sierra San Pedro de Martir National Park in Baja California on the Condor Reserve. It is in the mountains and during the time of year it snows she sleeps outside in an igloo and loves the snow.
Pinta has a special permit to be able to live there, as no dogs are allowed. But since she is a working dog, she is an exception. Her owner, from Mexico City, is in charge of this project.
When the time comes, Pinta will mate with our Fila, Baton, who is a Champion from Texcoco Mexico. We are hoping for a female with her coloring. She is a red brindle and not a common color combination.
When the time comes, Pinta will mate with our Fila, Baton, who is a Champion from Texcoco Mexico. We are hoping for a female with her coloring. She is a red brindle and not a common color combination.
This is the truck Pinta rides in. The Condor project is associated with the San Diego Zoo who provides some of its funding.
The liscense plate says, Like No Place On Earth, San Diego Wild Animal Park. This is where one can also see the Condors being raised and protected.
California Condor
*A Condor being monitored. The owner of Pinta says he has a computer now that can keep track of where the marked Condors are, and zoom onto them with a version of Google Earth and see the birds in 3D up close. Compared to tracking them by truck and foot, as he use to have to do.
Condor Sites
Click Here Reintroduction of the California Condor to Baja California, Mexico
Click Here Calif condors' animal instinct takes over in fire
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