La Diva is six years old and this is her second litter. We believe in fewer litters for each mother and this helps them live a longer and healthier life.
This is Shenjinbin. If his temperment proves out, he may be going to a fine home in California. In every litter there seems to be a pup that is extremely aggressive, and another that is more docile and easier to handle. Each must be placed in the correct home.
Babazula taking it easy, secure and happy
Filas have such big puppies and they get huge so fast. Each one has its own little character. We have not chosen homes for two of the males yet as they must be placed where it is certain they will fit.
Shenjinbin, already knowing he is handsome and meant for special things. He started growling at two weeks old when picked up. He is not friendly, so I will leave him this way for a new owner to bond with.
The pups were born on May 23rd. They started eating and drinking on their third week. Their mother eats kibble with fish oil and liver and she shares a little with them. When they smell it cooking now they get excited and bark.
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