36 inches at the shoulder and 200lbs.

Beautiful Markings
[The below information was taken from one of the Bully Kuta sites, I found the end description of its character interesting.]
Bully Kutta's in general have a very laid back temprament. Most tend to sleep all day. As pups and young adults they can be boistrous but calm down cosiderebly as they get older. Assured of their own prowess they have an almost Regal attitude towards other breeds. A bully kutta will rarely pick a fight with another breed and they routinely walk away from lesser dogs, even when challenged.
What ever a Bully Kutta does, it does for its owner. It will lay its life down protecting you or your property. It will fight to the end anything that threatens your well being.
If you are looking for a game dog, for any illegal purpose you will be severely disappointed with a BK. If you are looking for a dog to do weight pulling or any other atheletic event, look elsewhere. BK's are unsuitable for any kind of Personal Protection training. They are lazy and stubborn and virtually untrainable.