lunes, abril 28, 2008

Bully Kuta

Pakastani Mastiff. He is 18 months old here,
36 inches at the shoulder and 200lbs.
Click here for more information

Out for a run

Beautiful Markings

[The below information was taken from one of the Bully Kuta sites, I found the end description of its character interesting.]

Bully Kutta's in general have a very laid back temprament. Most tend to sleep all day. As pups and young adults they can be boistrous but calm down cosiderebly as they get older. Assured of their own prowess they have an almost Regal attitude towards other breeds. A bully kutta will rarely pick a fight with another breed and they routinely walk away from lesser dogs, even when challenged.

What ever a Bully Kutta does, it does for its owner. It will lay its life down protecting you or your property. It will fight to the end anything that threatens your well being.

If you are looking for a game dog, for any illegal purpose you will be severely disappointed with a BK. If you are looking for a dog to do weight pulling or any other atheletic event, look elsewhere. BK's are unsuitable for any kind of Personal Protection training. They are lazy and stubborn and virtually untrainable.

miércoles, abril 23, 2008

Rescue Animals

We named her Happy. This pretty little dog came to our gate last week and acted like she wanted in because she belonged here. So she got to stay. And she definitely is happy about it. I doubt the owners will be found, how sad for them to loose her.

And another new arrival yesterday. A tiny kitten out in the street outside our fence, lost and hungry and lonely. I hope we find her a home, but if not, she has one here.

The kitty had to go to see Dr. Pena at Hospital Veteranario. It has an eye infection and being treated for it now. Hoyt got to go just for the experience of being at the vets.

Three tiger kittens and a puppy

Awesome Blossom

Part of the Fila Pack gathering for the evening meal. Awesome Blossom is wondering whatall the excitement is about.

The Awsome Blossom enjoying herself. She is just as happy playing alone as with someone.

Blossom and El Gato share the first meal of the day. This way she will learn to be good with the cat.

Blossom sound asleep in her masters arms.

And a close up of her beautiful little puppy face and her white eyelashes.

Josefina trying to get use to someone else on her lap

One of the mother Filas, Chile, playing with the pup.

lunes, abril 21, 2008

Fila Pups

Some beautiful and colorful
Fila Pups from litters past



domingo, abril 20, 2008

Coyote Rollers

Roll Guard, Inc. is the world's exclusive provider of the Coyote Roller, a patent-pending marvel of a product that prevents dangerous wild animals from harming your pets, children, or farm animals.
Roll Guard, Inc. was founded in California in early 2001 with the intention of creating a reliable, humane system to deter coyotes, bobcats, and other predators from attacking pets, small children, and other valuables in enclosed property.
for their Web Site and Video Demonstration

jueves, abril 17, 2008

Awesome Blossom

The creators stated that the correct Dogo Argentino temperament should reflect their rare contrast between extraordinary courage and incredible kindness of character.

The Blossom getting use to the Fila Brasileiro Pack

Blossom being carried when she would rather walk

One of her favorite spots to sit.

Caught with her Masters shoe, again

Nothing but the feet showing, another week and she won't fit anymore. Not sure what she is doing under there, but she is barking and growling.

Bear taking a taxi


Empire Exotics

Welcomes you to Discover a Highter Class of Feline


Click Here
for their website

Click Here
for YouTube video of a Savannah Cat Jumping seven feet. Its hard to believe it until you see it. What a cat. Although all cats are special, each in its own way.

domingo, abril 13, 2008

Ensenada Dog School

Ensenada Dog Club has a school that meets on Saturday mornings. It is behind the Cultural Center and all are welcome.

Here is Awesome Blossoms mother
with her owner. A beautiful and well trained Dogo Argentina
.We got to watch her going thru her paces.
Hopefully Blossom will do as well someday.

A beautifully marked Saint Bernard

A tiny 8 month old Chihuahua

A perfectly trained German Shepard

sábado, abril 12, 2008

An Elephant

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality." Desmond Tutu
Click Here for Elephant quotes and lots of information
Click Here for an Elephant painting a picture, truly amazing.

viernes, abril 11, 2008

El Capitan

El Capitan is the son of Gamusa. He lives a few miles south of us in Quatro Milpas, a ranching community several miles inland.
He is very suspicious of us taking his photo

This is his home, where he prefers to stay, even if he has
his freedom to go where he wants.
Here he is waiting out on the road for his family to return.


Camel Fiesta
Dubai's Prince Buys $2.7 Million Camel

United Arab Emirates. Dubai's crown prince paid $2.7 million for a camel during a desert festival celebrating Bedouin traditions. The festival also included a camel beauty contest, where thousands of owners strutted their animals in a bid for the top prize of finest overall camel and separate categories such as best neck, head, lips, nose, hump, legs or feet.

Click here for the rest of the article

Robots Replace Children as Camel Jockeys

Click here for video

jueves, abril 10, 2008

Chihuahua Friends

Found somewhere on the web, and I want to pass it on

miércoles, abril 09, 2008


Thank you Bernie & Vernonia for the photos.

Here is Buttercup again, growing up
and getting more beautiful all the time. Her brother is in Puerto Rico, where she will live someday.

Buttercup and the Daschunds. A very nice dog family. Their owners are student doctors at the University here.

Buttercup and the Daschunds live across the street from the beach and love to play in the sand and the waves.

martes, abril 08, 2008

Baja Dog Show

Click Here for the website and more information.

Club Canofilo Caliente is pleased to invite you to join the upcoming Baja Panamerican Circuit next May and June 2008.

In an effort to promote the State's dog fancy, we will hold 3 consecutive weekends of dog shows in Baja's largest cities: Mexicali, Tijuana and Ensenada.

Rancho Perros Bravos will be at the Ensenada Event entering Gamusa and Baton. We hope all our friends and their dogs can make it too, or just come to watch.


Atila passed away several years ago at the age of ten. He was an international champion and the most handsome dog ever. He is the father of many of our pups. Lethal Scorpio is the name on his papers, but with his family he was always wonderful. All the dogs and ourselves miss him very much.

Kindness and compassion toward all living things is the mark of a civilized society.”—Cesar Chavez

Dogo Puppies

These are Awesome Blossoms brothers and sisters. They live here in El Sauzal. There is a short video on You Tube, linked on the right as Videos. So white and so beautiful and healthy. Makes me want them all.


“Life is life—whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage.”—Sri Aurobindo

Safe on the roof. Lucas, the chihuahua on the right is the father of Corina and Hoyt. They have different mothers. They live in Ejido Ursulo Galvan.

A handsome little male Chihuahua

There is always lots of children and visitors at this house and the dogs get shown off a lot

sábado, abril 05, 2008

Man marries dog

A man in southern India has married a female dog in a traditional Hindu ceremony in a bid to atone for stoning two dogs to death, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The 33-year-old man married the sari-draped dog at a temple in the southern state of Tamil Nadu on Sunday after an astrologer said it was the only way to cure himself of a disability, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported.

P. Selvakumar told the paper that he had been suffering since he stoned two dogs to death and strung them up in a tree 15 years ago.

"After that my legs and hands got paralysed and I lost hearing in one ear," the paper quoted him as saying.

Family members chose a stray female dog named Selvi, who was then bathed and clothed for the ceremony.

Breakfast Time

The three older Filas, Kalijah, Gamuza and La Bella. They are sharing their food with Hoyt, Chapina, Corina and Josefina. The Awesome Blossom was scolded and told to go back in the house and eat her own food. Everyone has to learn whats allowed and whats not.

Josefina is the boldest of all the Chihuahuas, she just pushes her way in to make sure she gets her big dog food treats. The two Filas are grumbling at each other over the last pieces, but pay no attention to her.